Site Policy


Prior Permission for Links

The link to the ReCLA Research Center for Liberal Arts home page is set up on the domains, and It is only possible to link without prior permission by referring to the ReCLA Research Center for Liberal Arts home page. However, please communicate your intention to link when doing so.
If a website does not meet the above conditions, it must be approved beforehand by the Research Center for Liberal arts or a website designer designated by the Research Center for Liberal Arts. Please see below for inquiries.


The URL for the top page of this website is When linking, use this URL, and also specify the website of the research department. Furthermore, please be aware that the research center may modify, stop, or discontinue its URL, or modify, stop, or discontinue its operation. Also, please also be aware that if the research center determines that the content of the link or the linking is inappropriate, it may delete the link.

Recommended Environment

Recommended OS and browser

The recommended OS and server to be used for visiting the ReCLA Research Center for Liberal Arts home page are as follows.

OS WindowsXP -
browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 -
Mozilla FireFox 3.6 -
Google Chrome 5.0 -
OS Mac OS X 10.4 -
browser Safari 4.0 -
Mozilla FireFox 3.6 -
Google Chrome 5.0 -

Recommended Plugins & Softwares

The recommended Plugins and Softwares to be used for visiting the ReCLA Research Center for Liberal Arts home page are as follows.

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